Google Earth and Lowrance Waypoints On May 08, 2013

Importing and Exporting Lowrance waypoints using Google Earth

You view your Lowrance waypoints on Google Earth. Google Earth has satellite images of Earth that you can zoom in and see lakes and rivers. This is another way to view where you placed your waypoints on a different map than on your Lowrance GPS map.

Some images can show weed lines and shallow rocks. By placing waypoints on Google Earth can mark fishing spots for future use.

You will need the following tools to accomplish waypoint importing and exporting.

  1. Google Earth (free download)
  2. GPSBabel (free download) 
    1. This program converts different companies’ waypoints to other companies’ waypoint formats.
  3. You must be able to import and export waypoints from your Lowrance (always save as Version 2 for now)
    1. HDS models
    2. LCX/LMS models
Google Earth labels waypoints as Placemarks.
The Places folder on the left side of Google Earth is where you access them. 
Import Lowrance waypoints
  1. Convert Lowrance file (.usr) to GPXXML in GPSBabel
  2. Select Tools on the top toolbar of Google Earth, select GPS, import from file and OK
  3. They will be loaded to the Temporary Places in the Places folder
  4. Navigate Google Earth to view your waypoints

Create Placemarks

The top toolbar in Google Earth is where you select Placemark to create them. Select the Placemark tool, and use the pan cursor to click and drag the Placemark to anywhere on the map.

Export Placemarks

Right click on your Placemarks

Save Placemarks as .kml

In GPSBabel import as Google Earth (Keyhole) Markup Language

Export as Lowrance USR

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