Devils Lake 1980 $100.00

Devils Lake 1980 Devils Lake 1980

This map uses rectified infrared air photos that gives details as to the conditions of the land before the lake flooded large areas. The map is B/W IR from Devils Lake west and color IR to the east.   It takes a bit of getting use to but people  find areas of sand and rocks, pot holes and other man made construction.  The map chip comes with the current lake level imagery for navigation in the lower resolution levels and  our copy righted  high resolution computer models with super high detail  of the central main area of Pelican, all of Creel Bay and the Totten points and bay area.

Enhanced satellite image on an encrypted SD card for current Lowrance models.

Works in all:

HDS Live & Carbon

HDS Gen 1-2-3

Elite TI TI2

Warning: At this time the map chips have issues with  being very dark on Elite FS units.  They work great in all other touch screens.

At this time the maps do not work in the Hook2 units.  If and when in the future they will we will let everyone know.

Comes in a micro SD card with SD adapter.

Built-in Insight Maps will overlay the satellite image

 Note:  Gen 1 units need the last Lowrance update to run. Click here




